Southampton Smokefree Services



No Smoking Day is on Wednesday 8th March, please see the Communications Toolkit for No Smoking Day 2023 from ASH. The theme this year is brain health and the links between smoking and dementia. Please feel free to tag Southampton Smokefree Solutions into any social media posts and our team would be happy to support you in any promotional events you may be planning.

World No Tobacco Day 2023

Click on the images to download:

Stoptober – 2022

Click on the images to download:

WHO – World No Tobacco Day 2022

Click on the images to download:

Ramadan – 2022

Click on the images to download:

Click on the images to download:

New year – 2022

Click on the images to download:

PHE – Stoptober 2021

Click on the images to download:

Start saving this Stoptober
A4 Poster

PHE – Better Health Campaign

Click on the images:

WHO – World No Tobacco Day 2021

Communication toolkit (click here to view)

Click on the images below: