Southampton Smokefree Services
Click on the links below to see more information.
Nicorette – Prescribing information for all products (Jan 2021)
General NRT information
Nicorette – Range of products guide
NRT – Overview
GOV.UK: Nicotine vaping in England: 2022 evidence update main findings
What is Champix?
Supply Disruption Alert – Oct ’21 update (DHSC)
12 Week Champix guide (Pfizer)
Champix information sheet (Pfizer)
Guidance on switching from Champix (NCSCT)
Effectiveness & Safety (NCSCT)
Cytisine 1.5mg uk
Statement on Cytisine for Stop Smoking Practitioners in Southampton City (Aug 2022)
FAQs & Recommendations for Stop Smoking Practitioners:Using e-cigarettes in your Service (Southampton Smokefree Solutions)
Information for specialist stop smoking services: Trial of E-Cigarettes (ASH)
Electronic cigarettes: A briefing for stop smoking services (NCSCT)
Working with vape shops: a guide for stop smoking services (NCSCT)
E-cigarettes | Smokefree (
8 things to know about e-cigarettes – Public health matters (
Vaping in England: an evidence update including vaping for smoking cessation February ’21 (PHE)
E-Cigarettes: Balancing risks & opportunities (BMA)
Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation review (Cochrane)
Vaping in the home: advice for parents (
Smoking and health 2021: A coming of age for tobacco control? (RCP London)