Southampton Smokefree Services
Click on the links below:
7 tips for helping smokers with mental health problems QUIT April 2023
Smoking Cessation and Mental Health: A briefing for front-line staff (NCSCT)
Leaflet for service-users about mental health
Daily nicotine fluctuations and the impact on mental health
Ordering form for Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group Resources
Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group
Standard Treatment Guide for Pregnant Women (NCSCT)Â
Stopping smoking in pregnancy: A briefing for maternity care providers VBA (NCSCT)
Infographic:Â E-cigarettes in pregnancy A4 poster (ASH)
Briefing: Use of electronic cigarettes before, during and after pregnancy: A guide for maternity and other healthcare professionals (Challenge Group)
Summary:Â Use of electronic cigarettes before, during and after pregnancy:Â Key messages for health professionals working with pregnant women and their babies (Challenge Group)
Can electronic cigarettes help pregnant smokers quit, and are they as safe to use in pregnancy as nicotine replacement treatments
E-cigarettes in pregnancy: Infographic for pregnant women and families – A5 leaflet (ASH) – English
Available in: Bulgarian | Polish | Punjabi | Romanian | Urdu
Smoking and your baby: advice for parents A5 leaflet (ASH) – English