Southampton Smokefree Services


Please note, all training is free and will take place virtually via MS Teams unless otherwise specified.


Booking can be made here:


Practitioner Update Training:

This training is to update existing NCSCT accredited advisors who are delivering a stop smoking service.

Recommended for all advisors to attend at least once a year.

  • To be announced

Level 2 Stop Smoking Practitioner training :

This training is for new stop smoking practitioners who have completed the online NCSCT practitioner training.

  • Friday 7th February 9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday 4th April 9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday 13th June 9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday 12th September 9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday 7th November 9am – 4.30pm

Very Brief Advice (VBA) training :

VBA is a simple piece of advice that can be used opportunistically in almost any consultation with a smoker, and takes less than 30 seconds. This training is for anyone who engages with smokers and is CPD accredited.

Bespoke shorter sessions are also available and can be delivered either in-person or via MS Teams. Please email all requests to

  • Tuesday 25th March 9.30am – 12.30pm
  • Tuesday 13th May 9.30am – 12.30pm
  • Thursday 10th July 1.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Monday 22nd September 1.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 26th November 9.30am – 12.30pm

Masterclass Training :

Short interactive sessions on different topics. Suitable for everyone. There is no need to book a place as you will  automatically be sent the joining instructions.

These sessions are all taking place at 1 – 2pm via MS Teams. 

  • 3rd April: Varenicline & Cytisine
  • 10th April: Running Groups
  • 17th April: Vaping
  • 24th April: Complex scenarios 
  • 5th June: Managing Expectations
  • 12th June: NRT
  • 19th June: Smoking cessation data requirements

Please see below for online training modules to help support you with providing smoking cessation advice to patients.

Online Practitioner Course

1. Practitioner Training: Core competences in helping people stop smoking (Learning element)

2. Assessment of core knowledge and key practice skills (Assessment)

Very Brief Advice (VBA) on Smoking

VBA is a simple form of advice designed to be used opportunistically in less than 30 seconds in almost any consultation with a smoker.

Very Brief Advice (VBA) – on Smoking for Pregnant Women

Smoking in pregnancy poses significant health risks to the mother and to the baby. VBA is a proven intervention that has the potential to improve the health, and even save the life, of both mother & baby

Very Brief Advice (VBA) – on Secondhand Smoke: Promoting Smoke Free Homes and Cars

This training module has been developed by the NCSCT to teach health professionals how best to raise the issue of secondhand smoke exposure and promote smokefree homes and cars.