Southampton Smokefree Solutions is a new, innovative and free service to build capacity, knowledge and skills to tackle persistent high levels of Smoking in Southampton.
Service Aims
The overall aim of the service is to support the reduction of smoking by individuals in Southampton. The service will offer training, quality assurance, advice and support to providers with a particular emphasis on the more vulnerable groups.
This will be achieved through the 5 service elements:
Training and CPD support
Quality assurance role
Run a small operational service for complex cases
Coordinate NHS Digital submissions
Deliver local and national campaigns
Stop smoking support
Quitting smoking isn’t easy but giving up greatly improves your own health as well as the health of those around you. Smoking causes extensive damage to your body and your second-hand smoke can also cause problems for everybody else too. Not only does smoking damage your fertility, skin, teeth and energy levels it also makes a huge dent in your finances too.
The good news is there is local support to help you.
In 2022/23, 6,169 per 100,000 smokers in Southampton aged 18+ set a quit date through services, higher than England (2,965 per 100,000). The (self-reported) quit rate through services in Southampton for the same year is 2,545 per 100,000 smokers and is higher than the England average (1,602 per 100,000 smokers). This compares with 2,674 per 100,000 smokers in 2013/14.
You are 3 times more likely to quit smoking with support from a stop smoking service. Please click here to find your local stop smoking service.
Smoking in Southampton
Body mass index
In 2022 around 1 in 8 people (13.2%) in Southampton smoke, compared with 12.7% in England and 10.5% in Hampshire. Â
In Southampton, Â just over 25.3% (17,483 people) of registered patients who smoke live in the 20% most deprived areas, compared to just 11.1% (731 people) of registered patients in the 20% least deprived areas.
In Southampton, just over 20% of registered patients who smoke live in the 20% most deprived areas compared to 8.5% of registered patients in the 20% least deprived areas.
Thornhill has more than 1 in 4 registered patients who smoke (25.8%). Freemantle is the 2nd highest ward with 24.2% of patients who smoke and Woolston is 3rd (23.9%).Â
In Southampton, smokers are more likely to:
Live in single households than married households
Live in terraced houses or flats and/or renting
Have lower household incomes
Have ‘difficult’ or ‘very difficult’ financial stresses
Have a high use of social networks (Facebook and X (Twitter) are most popular)
People who identify as gay and male, gay and female and bisexual and female are more likely to smoke than other heterosexual gender groups
Identify as being Eastern European (over 50% smoking prevalence among people who are Latvian, Lithuanian or Slovakian); Gypsy or Traveller, or Bangladeshi or Pakistani and male.